As I sit here, alone I wonder Why is it I want you Why do I feel like
Sometimes we search for more answers when really it might not even matter the answer is–
What ever happened to the sun? We used to know each other so well you leaned on my shoulder and I felt my world melt the dark side, you know
Sometimes, I forget to cross my T’s you know to dot my i’s Does that change everything
Do you live inside my head steal my thoughts? how do you know everything I need?
The darkness creeps inside me like tiny ripples in the sea slowly
OHHHH!!! I’m so past this girl caring I’m in this limbo
You want to see me I know you do better do something
I have to find... what is it that I wish to find... (bartender another) I see the bottom
This morning I’ve woke awoke with almost
When would you decide? They were all waiting... I was waiting The problem I refused to settle
Sometimes... I realize I want to share more
I feel so good love is in every form I get what I need always It’s a gift
I watch you Do you see me Following with my eyes Handsome, tall With a vampires grin
I need to sleep I need your bed My bed? Hurts my back Wrenching pain?