War and Disaster, Famine and Pes… Vaunt-couriers of the Century tha… Behold them shaking their tremendo… Above the world! where all the air… With rumors of destruction and a s…
There is a place among the Cape A… That looks from fir-dark summits o… Whose surging sapphire changes con… Beneath deep heavens, Morning win… With golden calm, or sunset citade…
What sighed the Forest to the nes… ‘So young, so old, Love, Help me to mold This life I hold.’
A Far bell tinkles in the hollow, And heart and soul are fain to fol… Gone is the rose and gone the swal… Autumn is here. The wild geese draw at dusk their…
How long we had hid there and list… Where the trees let in winks o’ th… ‘Fore their Winchesters glittered… In the gully below by the run, I never kep’ count. It wuz mornin…
One night I lingered in the wood And saw a spirit-form that stood Among the wildflowers. Like the d… It twinkled; partly wind and scent… Then down a moonbeam there it blew…
The spring is coming! hear it blow… The rain and wind have cleared the… And I am going to play my fill With sunlight on the windy hill. And I am going to laugh and run,
Let us mix a cup of Joy That the wretched may employ, Whom the Fates have made their to… Who have given brain and heart To the thankless world of Art,
Sad-Hearted spirit of the solitud… Who comest through the ruin-wedded… Gray-gowned with fog, gold-girdled… Of tawny twilights; burdened with… Of rain-wet uplands, chilly with t…
Reconciliation LISTEN, dearest! you must love… More than you did before!— Hark, what a beating here of wings… Never at rest,
The melancholy of the woods and pl… When summer nears its close; the d… Unfathomed sadness of the mists th… About the valleys after night-long… The humming garden, with it tawny…
Globed in Heav’n’s tree of azure,… As some round apple hung High in hesperian boughs, thou han… The branch-like mists among: Within thy light a sunburnt youth,…
Beyond the Northern Lights, in re… Of twilight, where the world is gl… And pale as Loki in his cavern wh… The serpent’s slaver burns him to… I saw the phantasms of gigantic me…
Deep in the hollow wood he found a… Winding unto a water, dim and gray… Grayer and dimmer than the break o… By which a wildrose blossomed; flo… Leaning above its image hour on ho…
Under mossy oak and pine Whispering falls the fountained st… In its pool the lilies shine Silvery, each a moonlight gleam. Roses bloom and roses die