Madison Cawein

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is here at last.
And I’m happy as can be.
Going to have a Christmas-tree,
And more toys than any past
Christmas saw or ever had,
So my mother says, for me.
And I’m glad, am just as glad
As a little boy can be.
Christmas Eve is here at last.
Christmas Eve is here at last.
And I’m going to-bed to-night
Early; when it’s candlelight:
Christmas Day can’t come too fast.
I’ll not go to-sleep, I think,
But be wide awake when, right
Here, Old Santa, with a wink,
Down the chimney comes to-night.
Christmas Eve is here at last.
Christmas Eve is here at last.
And the dining-room and hall,
Parlor too, I guess, and wall,
All are hung with holly; massed
With old mistletoe. A smell
Sniffs of cedar over all.
Every minute goes the bell;
Parcels pack and pile the hall.
Christmas Eve is here at last.
Christmas Eve is here at last.
And it has begun to snow.
Oh! I’m so excited! oh!
Windows rattle and the blast
Shakes and mutters at the door.
But that’s not the wind I know;
I have heard him there before
Santa Claus all furred with snow.
Christmas Eve is here at last.
Christmas Eve is here at last.
How the folks go hurrying by;
I can see the snowflakes fly
By my window; whirling past
Everywhere; and our front yard
‘S covered white: and my! oh my!
Hear the bells that jingle hard!
Must be Santa sleighing by.
Christmas Eve is here at last.
Christmas Eve is here at last.
Tell you what I’m going to do,
Hang my stockings up yes, two!
My two stockings; for, I asked
Mother and she said I might.
Then I’ll watch, and cry, ‘That you,
Santa?’ when he comes to-night
‘Hello, Santa! Howdy do!
Christmas Eve is here at last.’
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