Madison Cawein

A Song Of Cheer

Be of good cheer, and have no fear
Of Fortune or Tomorrow:
To Hope’s low whisper lend an ear
And turn away from Sorrow.
Time out of mind the soul is blind
To things God sends as blessings:
And Fortune often proves unkind
Merely in foolish guessings.
Within the soul we bear the whole
Of Hell and also Heaven;
And 'twixt the two is set the goal
Of dreams our lives have driven.
What counts above all deeds is Love,
And Friendship, that, remember,
In heart-beats keeps Life’s record of
Its April and December.
To every one come rain and sun,
And calm and stormy weather:
What helps is not what Life has done,
But Life and Love together.
Of sun and rain and joy and pain
The web of Life is woven;
And ever through it runs the skein
Of Hope, with strand uncloven.
Now high in air it glitters fair;
Now dims beyond divining;
But still the thread winds golden there,
Although no longer shining.
Be of good cheer and have no fear
Of any care or sorrow;
The clouds at last will disappear,
And the sun will shine tomorrow.
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