Lxnnnie Rutledzh

Teenage Irrevelations

“How do you say ‘I must’ in Angelican?
Oh yeah, you don’t. It’s just instilled.
So, the deal is
 That I have to suffer so everyone else around me doesn’t.
It’s a stupid necessity.
They call it a ‘gift’ in Heaven.
We call it a ‘blessing’ on Earth;
More or less the same thing as a curse.
Or worse.
Hell doesn’t acknowledge it,
 Primarily because of the suffering.
And nobody with a brain acknowledges this ridiculous fairytale down here.
The morals and laws are all the same, no matter how you write them down.
So you can sing out of key if you want.
But the harmonious vibrations won’t let you in.
It is what it is if is is dumb.
The energy that we call ‘god.’
These ‘universal laws.’
This spiritual science.
These fucking polarities….
They should wave like wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube men.
In fact, god itself, should be a wacky waving inflatable flailing tube man.
It should all be more surreal. And flexible. And forgiving.
Why the fuck not?
I mean, isn’t ‘forgiveness’ the whole point anyway?
Jesus Christ.
And these goddamn prophets.
Super ego genius tappers.
The cross some of us must bear.
Jesus, what the fuck did you start?
You’re dad is a crazy asshole.”
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