Means Absolutely nothing To me. Always has. Always will.
Mentally choking on paranoid cover… No matter where I am, everything… The corners leap out—one after ano… Trapping the resolve in its reckon… Unfolding like slabs of sidewalk b…
Someday I’m going to build a rope… and hang my thoughts in the attic. And sleep like a lightning bug smeared across a yellow wiffle-bal… Someday long after that,
Thrusting a screw driver through the heart of bliss, Dropping out slowly is harder than you think— A wish in the well
How many times can I say I love t… Pull the tarp off of the sun. I need to learn.
Swaying within the context of mad-made slime, Like a pendulum bound to the sky with time.
So used to being accepted, Then quickly rejected. I know what to expect. I EXPECT IT Do you?
(The whole point to why he did it, Was not that he gave a fuck— But rather, To explicate the fuck in which he… He said….
Someday the Earth will open with… To eat its own and save itself fro… This murk we shape from life is va… We bow our heads to the shame we e… You see—you know—and yet you drive…
I am a speaker from the inside out blaring into everything. Walking through this psychedelic slow motion
As long as You don’t know What you did, You’ll get away.
Shams in stark raving silence peek… chewing the rubber Fillings that f… finish those limiting transactions… i wouldn’t care more for the Door… in tune With so many songs on this…
I pay no attention to the forecast… I just blend into the weather. Was it not clever to attempt to tether our pleasures together
I have been in a thousand houses that have dining rooms that are never used. When I look into the river— My reflection is refused.
They say that, in your dreams, a polar bear represents a reawaken… And there; In sight; With the full moonlight off white…