A pep talk to the masses
A chat to ease high spirits back in place
The northern drawl as sickly as molasses
A lemon sucked grin upon his face
“The world is ours, if we choose to take it”
Hollow point words that blow the brains
Believing every word as he wings it
An inevitable collision with him at the reins
Moneys tight and profits are down
Yet his pay increase and new car belie his statement
And his new house and holiday home, just proves
His mouth births truth abatement
Yet he stands before us all, smiling
Knowing well he’s gearing up for a cull
And he thinks us all stupid, enthralled and beguiled
That we will fall for his sugar free bull
A transparent man in an I’ll fitting suit
And a penchant for lies and curves
You spit a mixture of mindbending dross
And expose only your desire which it serves
You’re cold and hard in your executions
Telling all that it has to be this way
Well, I hope one day you’ll taste your own medicine
And to that end I shall nightly pray
Cory Garcia
11yLove the storytelling... this could be a series
11yThank you. He gives enough material for there to a sitcom,or a the very least a public information bulletin on how to be a complete and utter idiot.