Louisa May Alcott


I am the monarch of the Sea,
The ruler of the Queen’s Navee,—
When at anchor here I ride,
My bosom swells with pride,
And I snap my fingers at a foeman’s taunts.
And so do his sisters, and his cousins, and his aunts
His sisters and his cousins!
Whom he reckons by the dozens,
And his aunts!
‘I am the lowliest tar
That sails the water.
And you, proud maiden, are
My captain’s daughter.’
‘Refrain, audacious tar.
Your suit from pressing;
Remember what you are,
And whom addressing.’
For I am called Little Buttercup,—dear Little Buttercup,
Though I never could tell why;
But still I’m called Buttercup,—poor Little Buttercup,
Sweet Little Buttercup I!
Fair moon, to thee I sing
Bright regent of the heavens;
Say, why is every thing
Either at sixes or at sevens!
He is an Englishman!
For he himself has said it,
And it’s greatly to his credit
That he is an Englishman.
Other works by Louisa May Alcott...
