Linda Di Feterici

Linda Di Feterici

From 1997 thru 2008 Linda produced and hosted several poetry readings, open  mics, poetry slams, local poetry and arts festivals in southern New Jersey and Philadelphia.

From 1997 thru 2008 Linda produced and hosted several poetry readings, open  mics, poetry slams, local poetry and arts festivals in southern New Jersey and Philadelphia.
She is  the founder and co-producer of NoBoarders Poetry Radio on Live 365.  Linda says "First and foremost, I am a poet; a writer, daughter, mother, grandmother, sister, friend and wife from a small town in southern New Jersey.  She writes of herself

I am daughter of the sun and moon
student of the earth and sea
plants and tree,  rock and stone
reptile and mammal, fish and bird
I am student and teacher of my lessons
lived and learned from my ancestors
 and babes to be born
I am shape shifter,  twisting to shed this skin
entrapper of authentic self within
