The Grandener


“With cuffs and chains am like a slave so grey, dressed up like a soldier in different shades of green, far to long im further and beyond,  watching as time is ticking by, slipping through my fingers like the flow of air as we breath, as many times I tired holding on safely dreaming, safety on with the time and my finger on the trigger, thinking if my eyes remain close starring down from my own reflection it’s part of my complexion, I would save sometime and not see it go by flashing, growimg to past as a seed barely clean, the more my mind remains open to me, words begin to fill my mouth dropping, words begins to unfold life as I see it through my pupils, forming images from black and white faces into bright beautiful colours,  like a thousand star’s of complexion, as we stop and stare at in the middle of the night wishing, for the moment I left and came back in a flash, so fast my thoughts went by, just like time, only leaving me with a smile”

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