Leigh Hunt

The Field of Battle

The Deed of Blood is o’er!
And, hark, the Trumpet’s mournful breath
Low murmurs round it a Note of Death’€”
The Mighty are no more!
How solemn slow that distant Groan!'€”
O, could AMBITION, wild with fear,
The deep prophetic Warning hear,
And, looking, listning vain around
For one soul-soothing, softer sound,
While near, unseen, the Fiends of Hell
Toll round the wretch his fancied Knell,
Rave all alone!
But, hark, soft Plaints arise!'€”
Friendship, adieu; farewel, soft Love!
I go to smiling Peace above:'€”
The Friend, the Lover dies!
Yet, happy Soul to Freedom giv’n,
Go where no proud tyrannic Lord
Drives Man upon his Brother’s sword;
Where Angels from thine arms shall tear
The Chains AMBITION bade thee wear;
Where, on the once pale Cheek of Woe,
In Smiles immortal, Roses blow’€”
The Bloom of Heav’n!
Otras obras de Leigh Hunt...
