

why cant my heart and head get along for once
I’m confused don’t even know what to do
i love you so much and what to keep you to myself
but should i set you free because i think you’d be happier
ugh i just want to know what i should do what’s the right thing .
i know if i let go i’d be broken and torn again
why can’t we just be okay
like in the past every time we reach this hill i’m scared to roll down
it’s like you’re waiting for me at the bottom because i don’t want to trip on a stone
you say you’ll catch me but my fear keeps me here
i hate hills because it’s like it’s separating us
not only in person but all together
and all i get is the same point of view
how the hill is terrible and scary
and my mind is so jumbled up
i’m scared that if i  stay up here it’ll be something i’ll regret
but if i roll to the bottom and trip on a stone that it’ll break me.

i'm going through relationship problems and it has to do with my boyfriend and his best friend which is ex and i don't know what to do

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