Mrs. H

Children o' mine

Exasperation, Turns into Fascination, With the outcome being Wondrous, Joyous, Momentous.Each and every step my children have taken..Is NOT a reflection of me..It is a reflection of who they are meant to be.From the needy 2 year old. To the ever needy 24 year old.. Or the sass mouth 14 year old to the cocky 26 year old.. From the never wrong 19 year old i think back to the curious 4 year old.. Next come my Irish twin’s... A year and 5 day’s apart..Freshmen no more and never again.. 10th. grade high school student’s, All have gone farther then i have EVER been.Grandchildren filling in the blank’s..And working to keep my family afloat... Life can be damn near impossible..almost make you choke.I drank but now i don’t.. I smoked but now i wont.I cursed.. and hmm yes i still do..I care..sometimes to much and it show’s through.I Love, With a mother’s heart tried and true.....I will always be The friend you can come to.This is my promise i make to you..Loves you I Do.

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