The medication is not me But neither is the sickness it tre… You may hear its effects In my voice In my opinions
I look away Afraid to see Flicker of nerves In their eye A clench
A joke Lost in Translation You will Never
My body is perfect —ly spotted The white spots I tell myself Are my Bambi spots
Are you ever tired Of just being you? Did you ever Want to be Someone new?
The passive-aggressive Guilt trip Is a weak tool For your purpose The sensitive
Tomorrow Has not yet come It’s promises yet to be broken Tomorrow Is bigger
Apathy and incompetence In healthcare A fax they didn’t send Prescriptions delayed Labs to do again
It’s not pretty When I cry People get almost as embarrassed as I
I am sorry That I cannot be happier I know that I’d be prettier If I smiled If I could smile
My grandfather told my father when he proposed to my mother on one condition
How do you describe A man so dramatic? You can recognize him From afar with his hat Always the gentleman
Hospitality To love a stranger It need not be much For one who has little Will appreciate it
Is there anyone worse than a denti… A dental surgeon I think as I sit alone Battling my nerves As I listen to the patient next d…
If you find someone That can do it Better than you Get them on your team