Restless As I lay in bed Trying to fall asleep These are my clues I might be low
Ask any female Love Is in the details I love you Three greatest words
It’s not that I’m sad Though I am It’s not that I’m discouraged Though I am It soaks deeper
Escogí las palabras Más adecuadas Por lo que yo Quería decir Abrí la boca
¿Te duele Cuándo piques tu dedo? No Lo hago por pura diversión Lo que duele
I am sorry That I cannot be happier I know that I’d be prettier If I smiled If I could smile
Traffic Irritation becomes a nightmare As the lines start to squiggle Bending in and out And the world starts its attack
I enjoy his company Riding shotgun Conversation No one to overhear Our inside jokes
Apathy and incompetence In healthcare A fax they didn’t send Prescriptions delayed Labs to do again
Good secret Bubbles inside Let me out Bad secret Indigestion
I cannot apologize For writing what I feel inside If it is hard to read It is harder to live I will understand
I don’t expect Diabetes education For the public But chances are You know one
A joke Lost in Translation You will Never
Turkey and dressing Loud and overwhelming Opinions and food fly Green bean casserole Too much laughter
The passive-aggressive Guilt trip Is a weak tool For your purpose The sensitive