All winter The trees held up their silent hiv… As if they mattered. But on one main street of bars and… I watched a woman who had begged f…
My father once broke a man’s hand Over the exhaust pipe of a John D… Ruben Vasquez, wanted to kill his… With a sharpened fruit knife, &… The curved tip of it, lightly, bet…
—The Carpathian Frontier, Octobe… —for my brother Once, in a foreign country, I was… I was driving south toward a large… For so little it had a replica, in…
No matter how hard I listen, the… One syllable, which has no comfort… Only a rasping of air through the… * Once a poet told me of his friend…
Those twenty-six letters filling t… Compose the dark, compose The illiterate summer sky & it… One by one, above the schoolyard. If the soul had a written history,…
All night I dreamed of my home, of the roads that are so long and straight they die in the middl… among the spines of elderly weeds on either side, among the dead cat…
Looking into the eyes of Gerard d… You notice the giant sea crabs ris… Which is what happens When you look into the eyes of Ge… Always the same thing: the giant s…
“Prince Jesus, crush those bastar… ‘Francois Villon, Grand Testam… It is the unremarkable that will l… As in Brueghel’s camouflage, wher… While elsewhere on a hill, small h…
The cop holds me up like a fish; he feels the huge bones surrounding my eyes, and he runs a thumb under them, lifting my eyelids
My poem would eat nothing. I tried giving it water but it said no, worrying me. Day after day,
Someday, when you are twenty-four… The street of a foreign city... Let me go with you a little way, Let me be that stranger you won’t… And when you turn and enter a bar…
Sister once of weeds & a dark… In ditches reflecting the odd, Abstaining clouds that passed, &am… Their own counsel, we Were different, we kept our own co…
There are places where the eye can… But not here. Here, for example,… The Piazza Navona, & here is… Overlooking the Steps & the c… Tourists. And here is the Protest…
The trees went up the hill And over it. Then the dry grasses of the pastur… Only a kind of blonde light Settling everywhere
Now that the Summer of Love has b… And the shadowy mouths of tunnels… I’m going to put the one largely f… Right in front of you so you can w… Out of an orchard in the heat of a…