K Niccole

Strong Beautiful Black Woman

For all My Sisters

© By: Ky-Asia Pinkett

Strong Beautiful Black Woman
Strong Beautiful Black Woman what have you done?
Weren’t you raised diligently under the prophecy of a pastorial Lady and Man of God?
Was that too much for you?
You felt like it was time for you to be on your way
A way for life that has no meaning but two endings to your beginning
Locked up away from freedom
Or in a box they throw dirt on
So as the acts of peer pressure your life has came upon
Your life that was once suppose to be living of the most high
But instead you let the sound of lust and love whisper and pick at you
And tell you that this life is fun
This life is for you
Take this and you will never be broke or need anything else in life
Or no problem to come to
So you sniff and shoot
Smoke and light
Puff and Pass
Strong Beautiful Black Woman
Were you not raised with pride?
You let one man fill you with lies
Just in order to get your Golden Prize
A prize that is supposed to be used a gift to the one that is annointed to you in marital bliss
But you let that one kiss make you miss all womenhood knowledge that has been put upon you
You let this demon psychologically pimp you
If you love me you will do this
If you love me you will do that
Spreading one leg right
Spreading the other left
To this man or that
Dont know whether his name was John or Jack
Wasn’t no shame in your game
You didnt mind shaking it for change
Afterwhile psychologically and mentally it wasn’t working for you
So he decided physically  abusing is the choice of strive for you
Every sexual transmitter has left a mark in you
Strong Beautiful Black Woman
Wake Up!!!!
Has you self-esteem died?
Have you forgotten how to cry?
As you wake up and ask yourself why?
Why your life turned this way?
Now something is in you the real price you have to pay
As the father walks away
Your life you sold to him
Strong Beautiful Black Woman
Its time to Get Up!!
Time to see the light of day
Realize this time of night nothing is open but legs
Clean Yourself, Restore yourself
Deliver yourself of this demon that has trapped you
Cast it out and put it behind you
You have something to look forward to
Realize you are not dead
The dirt is still under your feet and not over top your head
Be Strong because you got up
Beautiful because you didnt give up
Beautiful because you are black
Woman enough because you have the gift to give birth
Birth of a being with a womb
Look into her eyes your troubles go away
You stare into the sky and asked God to forgive you
And for her you live and give your life back to God
Live in a brand new way
You tell on your life prophetically and theologically in a gospel way
Because Strong Beautiful Black Beautiful Woman your testimony is here to stay


Not a personal experience, But I know it can/was a personal experience for someone else so hopefully it can be therapeutic


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