
Same as any other day.

Most mornings,
It’s hard to get out of bed
Its hurts to breath.
Sleep doesn’t come easy
When you see someone in your
Dreams who haunts you 24/7
And lures you into a  dark tunnel.
Follow me.
As it calls  I follow.
It will be alright.
It tells me be but I don’t believe the voice that’s talking.
I promise.
It tells me.
You know so much better
But yet you still follow no matter how hard your heart beats in your chest,
Because you’re curious about the adventure it may hold.
When you finally open your eyes,
With your whole day passed by your late, late to live
And your whole day is pretty much screwed
Like a unwanted cure that the bastard brought on to you,
Mr. Devil.
It happened to me all of a sudden
All at once,
Today wasn’t all that different but slightly it was.
Anticipation is the best wake up call,
It wakes me up so badly that I fell off my bed.


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