Keith Allen Horton

Goodbye, So Long

   She lays on the floor,
Needle hanging from her vein .
Killing herself slowly,
While erasing life and its pain .
She feels she drifting,
Eyes twitch behind each lid,
Drug induced memories,
Some skinny hungry kid .
She’s always felt empty,
In this world in which she lives .
Her spirits been broken,
She’s nothing left to give.
She feels so hollow,
Empty as a shell .
Her lives been swallowed,
All she knows is hell .
She sleeps in alleys,
Today’s she’s feeling really sick,
But to get her fix for later,
She’s out there sucking dick .
It’s so fucking crazy,
This worlds so obscene .
Was one time daddy’s baby .
And miss home coming queen .
Her boyfriend hooked her,
And sold her in the street .
To keep them fucked up,
With a little food to eat.
But he got arrested
Liquor store, tripped alarm .
And in her mind she’s lost,
That person who keeps her from harm .
Her eyes are swollen .
Plungers reached its end,
She falls to the floor,
To never be hurt again .

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