“ Chasing what didn’t want caught… I sit and ponder, What brought me here . Went Chasing a love, That wasn’t quite there .
My blood is my life, so let it flo… Erase my brain, so I’m not to kno… For years this body has taken its… That’s yours too, just leave me my… I cannot undo, the things in my pa…
Inside I feel I’m evil, but my mi… I want so too do things over, but… I find memories are such a bitch,… Not unlike an unreachable itch, we… I free fell into this world, plann…
“ residue ” I wish she knew of all the sleeple… Brought by the decisions that I h… Or how time hasn’t healed the woun… Those ones I thought would fade .
Please come visit me doctor sleep. I need knocked out, and deadly dee… With mister sandman, I wish to st… And sleep this pain and hurt away. I don’t wish to be, in the shining…
Most of my scars are not easy too… Because most of my scars lay insid… From people I’ve loved, who did n… Or a friend you may trust, that yo… From the loss of a love, to the de…
Your words so sweet, Upon my ears… They’ve brought me many times to t… The warmth inside you that you fel… While by my side, one day you knel… Who’s this person you now see?
I wish I were the breeze, so I co… I wish to be a rain drop, slowly s… Or to be a cloud, when you seek co… You every wish or your desire, ple… I wish to be the blanket, you wrap…
“ REMEMBER ME ” Remember me if you feel a breeze, Or if a raindrop soaks your skin . Remember me if the sun does shine, Or if there’s clouds for days on e…
I dreamt of a world were kites won… They never leave the ground or soa… And the children there, were such… Standing there empty, while holdin… The wind while whipping it never g…
I sat one day and just listened, t… It was not unlike the most wonderf… Float. The earth it seemed it was… For a moment I was lost in the Sp… So many tones from so many sectors…
In a field full of car parts and m… With broken glass, gravel, and not… Struggling to keep its roots in th… Grew the prettiest little flower… I’ve worked that yard, near twenty…
I wonder who you really are, when… And would I know the real you, if… I wonder if I’ve really met you,… A fact that always blurs my though… Because the you that I first kiss…
2. “ Humane Humans ” Listen? Is that so hard to do? Everyone is always talking, but ca… Smile, how’s it feel upon your fac… You should do it more, till it no…
Flying thru the Galaxy on this ro… Billions of destinations, how can… To believe there nothing in the va… I wonder what they would think? I… Would they wonder why we hurt each…