Keisha Marie


She grew like baby grass
in a fire’s aftermath
she stretched to the sky
a sweet note to a lullaby
Spring befriended Winter
she faltered at the meet
tucked in like a splinter
snow laid down it’s sheet
Remotely paralyzed
decolorate and demised
napped a rest of somber
till the last dead leaf turned over
in a Snow White bliss
she awakened with a kiss,
the sun’s first affection
to all those he put in wretching
Slowly, surely
in no hurry
the tulip rose
petals, primary
stronger, longer
with hardly a waver
the fall didn’t wrong her
it saved her

Flowers are alot like humans. We go through trials and tribulations but we have the inner will and strength to over come and not just that but come back better and brighter. Really hope this poem conveys that message

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