The church bells toll a melancholy… Calling the people to some other p… Some other gloominess, more dreadf… More hearkening to the sermon’s ho… Surely the mind of man is closely…
Much have I travell’d in the real… And many goodly states and kingdom… Round many western islands have I… Which bards in fealty to Apollo h… Oft of one wide expanse had I bee…
Deep in the shady sadness of a val… Far sunken from the healthy breath… Far from the fiery noon, and eve’s… Sat gray-hair’d Saturn, quiet as… Still as the silence round about h…
Chief of organic Numbers! Old Scholar of the Spheres! Thy spirit never slumbers, But rolls about our ears For ever and for ever.
To-night I’ll have my friar—let m… About my room,—I’ll have it in th… It should be rich and sombre, and… Just in its mid-life in the midst… Should look thro’ four large windo…
Where’s the Poet? show him! show… Muses nine! that I may know him. ‘Tis the man who with a man Is an equal, be he King, Or poorest of the beggar-clan
Many the wonders I this day have… The sun, when first he kissed away… That filled the eyes of Morn;—the… Who from the feathery gold of even… The ocean with its vastness, its b…
WHERE be ye going, you Devon ma… And what have ye there i’ the bask… Ye tight little fairy, just fresh… Will ye give me some cream if I a… I love your meads, and I love you…
Asleep! O sleep a little while, w… And let me kneel, and let me pray… And let me call Heaven’s blessing… And let me breathe into the happy… That doth enfold and touch thee al…
Bright star, would I were stedfas… Not in lone splendour hung aloft t… And watching, with eternal lids ap… Like nature’s patient, sleepless… The moving waters at their priestl…
And what is love? It is a doll dr… For idleness to cosset, nurse, and… A thing of soft misnomers, so divi… That silly youth doth think to mak… Divine by loving, nad so goes on
I cry your mercy—pity—love!—aye, l… Merciful love that tantalizes not, One—thoughted, never—wandering, gu… Unmasked, and being seen—without a… O! let me have thee whole,—all—all…
The church bells toll a melancholy… Calling the people to some other p… Some other gloominess, more dreadf… More harkening to the sermon’s hor… Surely the mind of man is closely…
Four Seasons fill the measure of… There are four seasons in the mind… He has his lusty Spring, when fan… Takes in all beauty with an easy s… He has his Summer, when luxurious…
Give me your patience, sister, whi… Exact in capitals your golden name… Or sue the fair Apollo and he wil… Rouse from his heavy slumber and i… Great love in me for thee and Poe…