#FemaleWriters #NewZealandWriters
Now I am a plant, a weed, Bending and swinging On a rocky ledge; And now I am a long brown grass Fluttering like flame;
In the middle of our porridge plat… There was a blue butterfly painted And each morning we tried who shou… butterfly first. Then the Grandmother said: “Do n…
Now it is Loneliness who comes at… Instead of Sleep, to sit beside m… Like a tired child I lie and wait… I watch her softly blowing out the… Motionless sitting, neither left o…
The fields are snowbound no longer… There are little blue lakes and fl… The snow has been caught up into t… So many white clouds—and the blue… Now the sun walks in the forest,
A Gulf of silence separates us fr… I stand at one side of the gulf, y… I cannot see you or hear you, yet… Often I call you by your childish… And pretend that the echo to my cr…
Rain and wind, and wind and rain. Will the Summer come again? Rain on houses, on the street, Wetting all the people’s feet, Though they run with might and mai…
Hinemoa, Tui, Maina, All of them were born together; They are quite an extra special Set of babies—wax and leather. Every day they took an airing;
Grant me the moment, the lovely mo… That I may lean forth to see The other buds, the other blooms, The other leaves on the tree: That I may take into my bosom
Babies must not eat the coal And they must not make grimaces, Nor in party dresses roll And must never black their faces. They must learn that pointing’s ru…
In the wide bed Under the freen embroidered quilt With flowers and leaves always in… She is like a wounded bird resting… The hunter threw his dart
The pillar box is fat and red, The pillar box is high; It has the flattest sort of head And not a nose or eye, But just one open nigger mouth
Now’s the time when children’s nos… All become as red as roses And the colour of their faces Makes me think of orchard places Where the juicy apples grow,
To and fro, to and fro In my little boat I go Sailing far across the sea All alone, just little me. And the sea is big and strong
In the very early morning Long before Dawn time I lay down in the paddock And listened to the cold song of t… Between my fingers the green blade…
Out in the garden, Out in the windy, swinging dark, Under the trees and over the flowe… Over the grass and under the hedge… Someone is sweeping, sweeping,