Who is grace? Grace is you, me, all of us. No, you can’t see nothing and yet… to that everything, to the pure so… Grace leads the way, Grace keep u…
Hoy tu vida cambiará, en un abrir… Hoy es el día perfecto para que to… Hoy se hizo para crear, de lo impo… Hoy se hizo para comenzar un camin… Así como lo has soñado, así como l…
A day like today, I’m asking myse… A day like today, my heart is scre… A day like today, I’m wishing to… A day like today, nothing makes se… A day like today, I’m feeling so…
Simple needs of life are so weird… In different places I have looked… only dust. Simple needs are not worth mention… are worth living it.
My love for you is restless, it’s… This that we encounter in one anot… Sometimes you think I don’t reall… This love is so restless just beca… Taking time to look at you ai’nt n…
Hey babe let me tell you something you prob… by the sound of my heart or by the… Oh! I love you so, just because y… because of that awesome way you ha…
Te hablo a ti niña mimada, que esp… de los demás. Te hablo porque eres… mi mirar. Tu que sueñas con ser engalanada,… Te hablo a ti porque te toca, es t…
Traté de negarlo mil veces, pero m… Traté de mirarte a los ojos y solo… Mas ahora que no logro encontrar t… Ahora que te vas por completo... Extraño lo días que te amé tanto
¿Qué son estas lágrimas? Simple a… Son todas esas espinas que el cora… Estas lágrimas hablan de tantas co… Como decirle a mis ojos que no se… Digame alguien como se hace para q…
Como le digo a este corazón que ya… Como se le hace cuando el amor cru… Si tan solo te detuvieras a mirar… entenderias por lo claro que por t… Saberte lejano es un castigo, mas…
Stay beside, just to see your smil… Stay right there, let us see the b… Some don’t see how beautiful you a… Stay just right there, lets just b… our moment to be.
Who knows my heart? Just me, just you. Fear not my love, for this feeling… my gift to you. The treasure that… in the search for.
Yes, there you are Staring at me like but somelike a… But yes, in the corner of that spa… you are I can smell you like walking into…
If my day is blue and the heart ac… Will you stay? Even if everything seems to fall a… Will you stay? At times I will be grumpy, intole…
You tell me how we come this far We both knew this was a broken gla… You tell me why you kept saying yo… but your actions said otherwise; You were always a freaking lie