The saga of an endless tale, The events of a concatenated chain… Played on this stage time and agai… And recited over and over again! The bark breaks to give the way to…
Going round and round in circles, The circle of life is an endless c… A cycle that is played between the… Sometimes the shades of the bright… Into the dark deep abyss of the se…
Pebbles that I dropped on my path… Long lost and forgotten when the p… Their memories were long lost and… I moved on thinking that they will… Now I’m walking on a different pa…
Strolling alone, along the desolat… After a stormy night, when the hel… The thunders left their tell tale… When I saw a moth wiggling in the… Her colorful wings now lost to the…
Darker side of the light is a “Sh… Its the light but not the darkness… Either Light in the darkness 0r d… Ends up in a deep dark colour call… And shadow perse is an oxymoron!!
There she goes with grace and eleg… Spinning and gyrating in the ballr… Dancing for the tunes of grandeur… Drawing the fresco of intricate de… But of a limited palette, when onl…
Seduced by the sheen of the silks… Enticed by the sweetness of the fr… I stripped the nymph off her silks… And left her bare to the bone, I scraped the juicy flesh off the…
In an endeavor to outwit my fate, In an effort to outsmart the pain, I smiled at every passing face, To wipe out the memories without a… When the mind refused to heed my i…
Sliced by the grass blades, Stung by the pine needles, Struck by the sharp stones, oh, wind why do you take all the b… But why do you still flow?
Woke-up to the strumming noise of… Don’t know how my arms reached ove… And fingers caressed them when I’… Wonder what tunes I played before… Only the silence in the air could…
When the tables are turned, And the cloud bursts into storm, When road reaches the hem of a cli… And life hits the rock bottom, When hope sinks into the abyss,
Covered in a skin colour of own, Of a distinct shade and tone, A single thread of a long social f… The tassel which can not be weaved… I’m a unique tribe of my own,
My eyes always cheat my innocent m… Neither the sky nor the ocean are…
Walked into an art gallery on proc… Displayed around are the arts of s… Of the artillery behind the art of… I stood starring at the artistic c… I heard a voice mutter, “What a p…
The infinite empty space is comple… The void occupies the space and th… Invariably, infinite is the space… The space from void or void from s…