Ever had this feeling before?
I am circulating perpetually on the way round. I hope this is not the u-bend of t… that takes us from where we are go… not, forever bound.
Shadowed by an over-arching banana… a constant reminder of my failures I sit on a lonely island, a castaway of broken dreams success seven lucky seas away.
I like the look of autumn leaves On cold wintery steps Fragile in their beauty. Wilting in their vulnerability Easy to crush if not careful.
Away I go to the Mountains. High up where the air is clear. To clean this thickness that once… consumed my mind. Embedded the the… that locked my self-belief in ston…
I stare down the broken surface of the mad hatter’s tea cup, the symbols stained on his trigger… grasshoppers, cranked back to laun… their ravaging plague onto me;
What is it you see Through that veil between your eye… Do you see flowers? A palette of emotional passion? Or perhaps you feel the breeze
A To Two and Too The scales are now in balance The Moon Sun and Stars
The stillness of a lake thin layers of icing cake, mmm food, no focus! Concreted coldness of icy pain that is why I’m here.
I took the small words on paper in… and watched them implode around me first its edges, gently my fingers pressing down to submer… the center full of water
The great bird has fallen, plummeting towards Eden. Like Icarus before, it casts a shadow that suffocates those underneath it.
I need your cosmic warmth beside m… To feel your body weight meld into… To know I am not lost You, not lonely. Simply ensuring we are not wasting…
She sucked my essence, out of the ether into the space between our lips Fibers uniting
Torn between choice; ruby lips, fl… one forbidden to the laws of love I hardly know. All over waters, each a journey the accumulation of such
To soothe my cluttered imagination, I’d take a bath in a Japanese hot-spring, next to a fair medieval maiden, dressed in the style of a western, whispering stories of the Dream-time, d...
A bicycle, I see submerged in wat… Its spokes suffocating, waiting fo… What roads it must have taken? A… It is destined to lie in that swam… A slumbering relic of a past memor…