Julia Ann Moore


Come all ye friends of Liberty,
Who love our good old nation,
Let hands and hearts united be,
And beat the wide creation.
For this is our Centennial year,
The birthday of our nation;
For it is just one hundred years
That’s stood our good old nation.
Centennial! Centennial!
Hurrah to the Centennial;
And many, many people gone
To our national Centennial.
To Philadelphia people went,
And more was sure to go, sir;
They say there was things to be seen
Of a hundred years ago, sir.
Come all ye sons of liberty,
That love our good old nation,
Unite and keep our country free,
And the stars and stripes a waving.
The revolutionary war was fought
To gain our independence,
That we a nation great may be,
Both free and independent.
They fought the British, far and near,
For freedom, and they gained it—
In Centennial years of Jubilee,
Let Columbia’s sons maintain it.
Otras obras de Julia Ann Moore...
