“His Grace! impossible! what, dea… Of old age too, and in his bed! And could that mighty warrior fall… And so inglorious, after all? Well, since he’s gone, no matter h…
In youth exalted high in air, Or bathing in the waters fair, Nature to form me took delight, And clad my body all in white. My person tall, and slender waist,
Here lies the Earl of Suffolk’s f… Men call’d him Dicky Pearce; His folly served to make folks lau… When wit and mirth were scarce. Poor Dick, alas! is dead and gone…
The joy of man, the pride of brute… Domestic subject for disputes, Of plenty thou the emblem fair, Adorn’d by nymphs with all their c… I saw thee raised to high renown,
This day (the year I dare not tel… Apollo play’d the midwife’s part; Into the world Corinna fell, And he endued her with his art. But Cupid with a Satyr comes;
Poor Hall, renown’d for comely ha… Whose hands, perhaps, were not so… Yet had a Jezebel as near; Hall, of small scripture conversat… Yet, howe’er Hungerford’s quotati…
As when a beauteous nymph decays, We say she’s past her dancing days… So poets lose their feet by time, And can no longer dance in rhyme. Your annual bard had rather chose
THE shepherds and the nymphs were… Pleading before the Cyprian Queen… The counsel for the fair began Accusing the false creature, man. The brief with weighty crimes was…
By something form’d, I nothing am… Yet everything that you can name; In no place have I ever been, Yet everywhere I may be seen; In all things false, yet always tr…
Charming oysters I cry: My masters, come buy, So plump and so fresh, So sweet is their flesh, No Colchester oyster
LEST it may more quarrels breed, I will never hear you read. By disputing, I will never, To convince you once endeavour. III
Daphne knows, with equal ease, How to vex, and how to please; But the folly of her sex Makes her sole delight to vex. Never woman more devised
Robin to beggars with a curse, Throws the last shilling in his pu… And when the coachman comes for pa… The rogue must call another day. Grave Harry, when the poor are pr…
Of all inhabitants on earth, To man alone I owe my birth, And yet the cow, the sheep, the be… Are all my parents more than he: I, a virtue, strange and rare,
FROM Venus born, thy beauty show… But who thy father, no man knows: Nor can the skilful herald trace The founder of thy ancient race; Whether thy temper, full of fire,