We were having the time of our liv… Two friends seeking joy We bonded over the basest things Doughnuts, kerosene, and Playboys
Your thought forms beauty and beas… Your word produces joy and despair… Your movement brings life and deat… Your power creates your present.
My love is like a laser beam To melt you down and make you crea… It comes and goes just like a drea… Because the bright is touch obscen…
If this world’s taught me nothing… It’s that you have to fend for sel… From gnashing teeth and twisted mo… Or sneaky fox in the hen house
I write You read I talk You listen I huff
If we would just ask Mother Nature for answers We might find our truths
Never gonna be The cover of Glamour That sure doesn’t mean I’m not still enamored With your energy
I cast the blame on you and her That just might be a bit obscured To tell the tale with honest voice I have to acknowledge my choice
I think it’s just about time for m… Pack on up and head to the Great… Maybe if I sever all my human tie… My outer world will match the one…
I guess I write poetry I just vomit my soul onto paper I don’t know what else to call it but, poetry
There’s a certain kind of type That always does it right Elicits smiles and tears In the space between your ears The only sort of religion
Elaborate mazes Of conjured phrases Tickle the ear Of literary peers But don’t read the type
Never seen Better scenes Than red lights On green trees
Hope you are a voyeur Hope you want to see What it truly means Be this human thing Offering my soul
I’ve never wrapped My mind around Making you feel Seen, heard, and found I didn’t know