Hannah Banana With the flower bandana Look at your garden grow With tender leaves And shoots of peas
I need to be Out in the bush Not just a mere Craving or crush It’s a huge piece
Don’t take the past away from me It made me who I am I like the one I’ve come to be A truthful, loving man
It’s really hard to get inside My inner circle, past my spies But if you think it’s worth a try You just might find a paradise
Mom and Dad don’t love you They’re already tuned To their own sweet song Fireflies in June You are just an extra
I need to get him out So he feels the treat Of an empty bladder Grass beneath his feet
I hope you have her desire for ord… With a bit of mine to vex And my penchant to look ever inwar… Tempered with hers to project I hope you have my cool demeanor
Never gonna be The cover of Glamour That sure doesn’t mean I’m not still enamored With your energy
To see the best of me Play a symphony That moves my feet
Martins are a special breed Set apart from rest, indeed Took me in when was in need Of a home and love extreme
I don’t know what, quite, will unf… I only see silver and gold That’s all I need to tightly hold Onto this dream of getting old
Ever seen Fawn on teet Wagging tail like dog? If you can’t Then I shant
Embrace the darkness It’s the only way That your light can shine
If you’re satisfied with yourself And the world you live in, Is that your cue To start again?
I can blend seamlessly Because I find parts of me In ev’ryone I see