Ev’rything about my life Tells me that you’re poison If you’ve ever heard of me You know I don’t listen
Not growing, dying That’s just simple facts Take a look at plants Nature’s info packs
Old school Playing a groove of the used to Small few Hailed by hipsters and still cool Lo-fi
I feel like I could be the swan That you have set your sights upon I’ll give my all to reach the Sun And won’t stop ‘til our hearts are…
The only difference Between enlightenment and ignoranc… Is seeing your own magnificence
Somehow when I write It comes out in time Words seem to flow out In a catchy rhyme Things just sorta happen
I thought that she Could be the one I thought that we Were having fun And then I spoke
I give you an inch You try for a mile I’m glad I spoke up And still made you smile
Connie L. and Billy Bright Always kept me up at night Had a love that never sleeps Wore their hearts out on their sle… Everything they felt inside
Sometimes I will stare You’re just more interesting Than others in sight
Working towards Common goals
Now you know The depths of depravity A man will go For love of his progeny
To see the best of me Play a symphony That moves my feet
I need to get him out So he feels the treat Of an empty bladder Grass beneath his feet
I might be self-absorbed But I’m not selfish I work on Myself Because that’s the best way For Me to help Us