Hope you are a voyeur Hope you want to see What it truly means Be this human thing Offering my soul
I’ve never wrapped My mind around Making you feel Seen, heard, and found I didn’t know
Be... Fun loving Hard working Compassionate And ruthless
I have an idea Of who I’m s’posed to be And that’s the whole reason I’ve never been happy
I don’t see much the future I don’t remember past I only know this present A gift, that too, shall pass
I’m not sure how I’ve come this f… From sinking pit to shooting star. Could it be when I loved my scars… Or when I chose to be this bard? Maybe, it happened, as a lark.
I feel like I could be the swan That you have set your sights upon I’ll give my all to reach the Sun And won’t stop ‘til our hearts are…
You’ll have to take It slow with me That’s just the way Things have to be I’m sensitive
Open your heart to love So you might be able To love your open heart
Relinquish control Let the Universe have space To exceed expectations
Nom noms and tom toms Are really what make me move There’s a gravy train straight to… When you skip your needle to that…
I’m a take no prisoners kind of ma… A knockdown, drag out, hang if you… Calculating, ruthless, no fear Nothing to lose, nothing held dear Use you up, throw you to the curb
Don’t try to be divine ‘Cause we’ve always been Just try to be yourself My out fits your in
We were having the time of our liv… Two friends seeking joy We bonded over the basest things Doughnuts, kerosene, and Playboys
I’ve driven self along my quest I think it might be time for rest To take steps back and then assess What it might mean to be my best