Each moment at hand Is open invitation To the promised land
Really want to ask you out ‘Cause I feel a special bout Of the things we dream about Discipline and love devout
We were formed In relation To this world Our creation
Little chipper 'munk Primal, honest, cheeky, sweet Sugar in my ’shine
Don’t think that we Should berate I feel we must Coruscate Not focus on
To tell you the truth I relish your cum It’s the best homage To a job well done
I need to get him out So he feels the treat Of an empty bladder Grass beneath his feet
I am a simple, joyful man Without a thing you’d call a plan I bounce around and bump into What I would call my Katmandu
It’s quite a process To create a person
My brain doesn’t work like it norm… It doesn’t think of the funny rema… Or witty sayings It doesn’t jump from scene to scen… Most of the time it’s too busy
I would be the worst Dom Ever. If a Sub said “Here is my being, Do as you like.” Only her pleasure and joy
Nom noms and tom toms Are really what make me move There’s a gravy train straight to… When you skip your needle to that…
I missed out on Our baby’s clues I didn’t feel Her in your womb But now she’s here
I cast the blame on you and her That just might be a bit obscured To tell the tale with honest voice I have to acknowledge my choice
Because you exist Is the best reason For you to persist