I’ve written things and said some… Wagged my tongue and tripped over… Flapped my gums 'til blue in the f… Never a clue how to win the race Huffed and puffed and circumstance…
I had to shut everyone out To find my Self So I could let everyone in
You have an ideal That I will never fulfill So I have to peel
I’ve never really cared about me I know I’ll be fine I’m the benchmark of resiliency You’re who’s on my mind
I guess I write poetry I just vomit my soul onto paper I don’t know what else to call it but, poetry
Relinquish control Let the Universe have space To exceed expectations
Nom noms and tom toms Are really what make me move There’s a gravy train straight to… When you skip your needle to that…
Elaborate mazes Of conjured phrases Tickle the ear Of literary peers But don’t read the type
Darkness envelops Veins of fire rend the abyss God’s awemazing works
Ev’rything about my life Tells me that you’re poison If you’ve ever heard of me You know I don’t listen
My heart tells me That you’re no good I’m pretty sure That’s why I should I’ve never been
Old school Playing a groove of the used to Small few Hailed by hipsters and still cool Lo-fi
If I had one wish in this world It’s that you would be daddy’s gir… You’d look to me to cure the ills Or when you just might feel like t…
Jonathan and Jordan Sitting in a tree M-u-s-s-i-n-g First comes souls Then comes mates
The worst thing we could think abo… Is that our tooth and nail don’t c… That we could bite and scratch and… And not make difference at all I hate to say, that will happen