Go ahead Do your thing I’m waiting With open wings
I’ve lived my life And seen some things Heard bitchin’ tunes Tasted my dreams But if you want
You’re the bestest bud Anyone could love And your soul shines through All the doom and gloom Fortunate to have
I’ll make you pucker And turn your stomach So take me with a grain of salt
I hope you have her desire for ord… With a bit of mine to vex And my penchant to look ever inwar… Tempered with hers to project I hope you have my cool demeanor
I have an idea Of who I’m s’posed to be And that’s the whole reason I’ve never been happy
Ever seen Fawn on teet Wagging tail like dog? If you can’t Then I shant
Caught a glance Just by chance And it somehow moved me Head snapped Thunder clapped
You’re nineteen You can choose who to be Nineteen Maybe fancy and free Nineteen
It’s quite a process To create a person
Fumbling in the dark Searching for my clothes Looking for a girl With my third eye closed
I’d like to find someone That celebrates my self Except this life’s taught me You can’t trust no one else They see your loving charms
Somehow when I write It comes out in time Words seem to flow out In a catchy rhyme Things just sorta happen
I see a bee pollinate a flower I see a girl dance to her favorite… I see two men swing and dissolve I see a wolf thin a herd I see You, being You, just to be…
There’s shit on your face You just threw up in your mouth Couldn’t be cuter