I missed out on Our baby’s clues I didn’t feel Her in your womb But now she’s here
Agile Mobile Versatile Tactile Virile
I feel like I could be the swan That you have set your sights upon I’ll give my all to reach the Sun And won’t stop ‘til our hearts are…
Working towards Common goals
I’ve written things and said some… Wagged my tongue and tripped over… Flapped my gums 'til blue in the f… Never a clue how to win the race Huffed and puffed and circumstance…
Lord and Jesus Christ Don’t forget the lice Spiders, ticks, and skeeters All the heeby-jeebers They’ve got their own place
Embrace the darkness It’s the only way That your light can shine
Ain’t no mountain high Ain’t no valley nigh When you’re in my sights
If this world’s taught me nothing… It’s that you have to fend for sel… From gnashing teeth and twisted mo… Or sneaky fox in the hen house
My brain doesn’t work like it norm… It doesn’t think of the funny rema… Or witty sayings It doesn’t jump from scene to scen… Most of the time it’s too busy
What if I watched with no judgement or saw without shame, nurtured your essence behind drawn shades?
I’ve driven self along my quest I think it might be time for rest To take steps back and then assess What it might mean to be my best
I’ve lost my joy Not sure where it went I can’t remember It’s sweet smelling scent It had to do
You create yourself Then see better solutions Cue evolution
Don’t think that we Should berate I feel we must Coruscate Not focus on