You ever dream That we could have A love so great A smooth so salve It’s in the cards
Now you know The depths of depravity A man will go For love of his progeny
If we would just ask Mother Nature for answers We might find our truths
I can blend seamlessly Because I find parts of me In ev’ryone I see
Blue used to be my favorite color. Now I prefer (purple). (purple) is like blue, but more in… You’re my (more interesting, favor…
Jonathan and Jordan Sitting in a tree M-u-s-s-i-n-g First comes souls Then comes mates
Life after age eight Put downs and berates People don’t like you When they look like fools
Once there was this girl named Je… Tall and blonde and oh so dreamy Milky skin with essence steamy Just one look would make you cream… Told me that we’d be a team-y
You create yourself Then see better solutions Cue evolution
Never gonna be The cover of Glamour That sure doesn’t mean I’m not still enamored With your energy
I’ve written things and said some… Wagged my tongue and tripped over… Flapped my gums 'til blue in the f… Never a clue how to win the race Huffed and puffed and circumstance…
Relinquish control Let the Universe have space To exceed expectations
Your thought forms beauty and beas… Your word produces joy and despair… Your movement brings life and deat… Your power creates your present.
Don’t give me your heart I can’t bear that pain Being lonely hurts less Than giving you my name
It’s really hard to get inside My inner circle, past my spies But if you think it’s worth a try You just might find a paradise