We might be just a bit fucked up And, God, I hope that’s true ‘Cause that means life is nothing… The deepest passion’s hue
I need to get him out So he feels the treat Of an empty bladder Grass beneath his feet
Just being yourself Is the absolute best way To show the world love
She is the one I call my life And nothing like Her sweet and spice So if you want
I don’t know what it means to have A lover in my life I don’t know what it’s like to tas… Their sugar and their spice I don’t know how to give and take
If I had one wish And a pound weighed a ton I’d hope you’d know my heart And the extent of my love
I don’t know what, quite, will unf… I only see silver and gold That’s all I need to tightly hold Onto this dream of getting old
Fumbling in the dark Searching for my clothes Looking for a girl With my third eye closed
Ain’t no mountain high Ain’t no valley nigh When you’re in my sights
I write poetry Put my heart into it ‘Cause there just might be Someone that gives a shit
Never gonna be The cover of Glamour That sure doesn’t mean I’m not still enamored With your energy
Life after age eight Put downs and berates People don’t like you When they look like fools
I’ve never wrapped My mind around Making you feel Seen, heard, and found I didn’t know
Rain, rain wash away All the stains of yesterday Here I stand, made of clay Mold me into my today
I’ve driven self along my quest I think it might be time for rest To take steps back and then assess What it might mean to be my best