Valhalla. Gods on high. Watching, controlling.
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Substrate. Mysterious. Realm of origin. Probability,
Cosmic score. Reverberations. Echos. Reflections. Creativity
Meant to be. Who! Who was I meant
Games. The game, it is a foot. Puppet
Antidote. Infection. Mind virus. Spreading
Ghosts. Spirits. Adrift, the ether flows.
Purpose. Point. Searching for meaning, truth,
Jungle. Where the animals are. All within. Within the
Narratives. Warring words. Controlling words.
Ghosts. Creation’s ghosts. Universal spirit.
Enlightenment. Emergence from darkness to light. Continuous
Reflection. Minds eye reflection. Universal
The station. Experience begins. Enter the soul.