Choreographed. Wound up. Existence. Wound tight.
Subjugation. Power. Brutal gripping power.
Lemmings. Scripted. Vistas. Endless. Endless
Manipulation. Life manipulates. Folds the mind.
Yet. What’s yet to be known,
Antidote. Technology overwhelming. Quicksand. Sucking in,
Corruption Corrupted. Easily corrupted. Humanity.
Blue Marble. Terrarium! A terrarium really. That’s
Connection. Biology. Born of, connected to.
The box. Inside. Outside. Existence in a
Five years. Batten down the hatches. Change
Life path. Eyes open, reality presents.
Ghosts. Sounds of the past. Slipping
Arriving Not from without but from within.
Little magpies. Dutifully repeat. Repeat