Snowy morning. Coffee in hand. Here I
Dreamworld. Justify. Being. Just being.
Beliefs. Born into a world full of
Solace for the soul. None to be
Calm. Unrelenting pace of things. Spinning
Growl. Dog eat Dog. Guttural sound.
Virtual place. Existence. Universal base state. Hidden
Messages, from all time. Past. Present.
Adjustments. Evolutionarily adjustments. Societal adjustments.
Rabbit hole. Hybrid. New worlds. New realities. Old ways
Facade. It’s all facade. The all around.
The council. As they come online, they’ll
Told. God. Is there a god?
Gnarly little things. Narratives. Thoughts. Virus like.
Pollution. Clouds the mind. Dulls the senses.