Creeping. Slow movement. Imperceptible. Not noticeable.
Empty. Where? Is there anyone else?
Hive. Hive mind. Group think.
Where are they? The question asked is. The Fermi
Mechanism. Way of things. Creations design,
The scene. From nothing. Flesh
Spooky. Existence, a crazy place. Crazy
Overt. Overt power. Overwhelming. Over arching. Vice grip
Corruption Corrupted. Easily corrupted. Humanity.
Dream. I met myself in a dream.
Culmination. Many thousands of years in the
Domination. Power. Hard fought. Brass knuckles.
Gnomes. Life’s journey. Transformative. Each,
Drumming. Night time beating. Hard pounding.
Incomplete. Five senses. Provided with.