Angels an Demons. Humanity’s manifestations.
Rabbit hole. Hybrid. New worlds. New realities. Old ways
Everything. Look around. Trials, tribulations.
Coerced. Coerced to believe. Believe what’s been
Great or not. Those who were once, are no
Comprehension. Understood. Capacity to know. Limited.
God no God! Battle rages. Some say yes. Some say
Bubble machine. Bubbles pinching off.
Integers. Realms within realms within
Nature of things. Exponential growth. Artificial
The way. The way it was. Instincts interactions.
Magic. Non physical. Consciousness. Magically, thoughts
Cusp. Humanity on the cusp. Evolution.
Archaic. Ancient, evolving beliefs. Modernity,
Power. Crack the door open, they’ll