Receiver. Where’s existence? Self. Where’s
Grid. Systems in place. Circling the globe.
Incomplete. Five senses. Provided with.
Told. God. Is there a god?
Aspirants. Baseline. Animals. Animals at heart.
Mathematics. Language of the gods. Bits and
Compression. Inflection point. Passing through.
Step. Step by step. One step at a
Barren, devoid of soul. Black and white.
New way. Old way supplanted. Evolved away.
Conduits. Between. There to here. Soul
Oblivion. Creation. Galaxies, 2 trillion strong.
Stardust. Vastness of being. Beyond comprehension.
Awakening. It arrives. Sensing. Observing. Absorbing.
Masses. Machine. Organism. Writhing undulating