Input. Must have input. Screen stares.
Comprehension. Understood. Capacity to know. Limited.
Barren land! Alone in a desolate place.
Civilization. History. Power. Fabric of the
Source. Holds all that’s seen. All that’s
Valhalla. Gods, living in the cloud.
Fog of uncertainty. Eyes open. It begins. Seeing
Stories. So many stories. Down trough
Choreographed. Wound up. Existence. Wound tight.
A.I. god. Out of the mist. Marching
Collision. Future. Whip snap change.
Blended. Segmented. Cleaved, one from the other.
Solace for the soul. None to be
Moment. Moment by moment. It passes.
Wonderment. What’s going on? Why anything?