Blended. Segmented. Cleaved, one from the other.
Afraid. Humanity’s afraid. Afraid of itself.
Inhabit. Existence. World understanding. Observed.
Empty packages. Life’s lessons arrive
Conflict. Internalized conflict. Instincts coded.
Design. Control. Coded. Programmed. Populations
Culmination. All just culmination. Modernity. Reflection.
Enigma. Existence. Being. Gordian knot.
Celestials. Vibrations of creation. Sirens calling.
Shimmering. Echos from origin. Energy
Our people. Your people. Us verse
Despots. History. Replete with those who’d
Custom made. Souls and mind.
Five years. Batten down the hatches. Change
Infusion. Pure thought. Seeping up.