Unhinged. Humanity has become unhinged. Nonstop
Crystalline spheres. Resonating throughout. Sounds of
Thought. Realm of ideas. Infinite realm
Endless existences, separate and apart. Soul,
Never land. Vaporized into the never land. Creation.
Character. Meaning? Existence. Life. Consciousness.
Owned. Unaware. Information! Information flowing.
Indifferent. Existence does not care. Creation’s
Life force. Energy created. Pulsing
Technology erasing, folding, shaping. Viewpoints
Self evident. From the mind of man.
Cosmic score. Reverberations. Echos. Reflections. Creativity
Eyes gazed, glazed. Distant stare.
Fog of uncertainty. Eyes open. It begins. Seeing
Barren land! Alone in a desolate place.