Quest. Meaning. Searching for meaning. Questioning.
Where. Where are they? The others. Soon
Conversations long past. Those before. Long
When they arrive. What will we see?
Inexplicable. Being. The wonder of being. Simply
Flowing souls. Incoming. Passing through. Splashing,
Inhabit. Existence. World understanding. Observed.
Inundated. Unlike never before. Cyclonic mix.
Mist. Fog. Quantum fog. Stuff of
Antidote. Step away. Leave behind. Avoid the din
The blur. From here. Where to? What path? Which
0.07874016. Thickness. Human skin. 0.07874016
Essence. What passes through. Essence
Power. Crack the door open, they’ll
Vessel. Empty. Devoid of knowledge. No opinions.