Thick fog. Deep, dark. Impenetrable. Hidden.
Spirits. Immaterial sentience. Incarnate. Coalescing
Consciousness Global consciousness. Billions of minds
Yet. What’s yet to be known,
Spooky. Existence, a crazy place. Crazy
Provided. Reality as provided. From a human
Illusion of being. What appears is not. Eyes open
Imprints. Indelible imprints. Every soul notches a
Generator. Conduit. Rippled structure. All passes
Misty. Quantum mist. Realm of uncertainty.
Size. How big? How dense? What can be known?
Real. What’s real? Beliefs. Truth,
Future. Look around. What’s seen? Heads bent.
Whole Cloth. Its all been spun. Spun from whole cloth.
Battlefields. Eons past to modernity. Clubs