Commingle. Will the two mix? Get along. The digital
Gift. Existence. Personal existence, inexplicable
The box. Inside. Outside. Existence in a
Science and Religion. Humanity’s search engines.
Unraveling. As things were, fading away. Future.
Metaverse. Where ways as now known disappear.
Forms. A different place. A different realm.
Bubbles from bubbles. Budding off, one
Essence. Existence undefined. What is seen, not
Magic. Non physical. Consciousness. Magically, thoughts
Provenance. Observation. All around. Endlessness. Inhospitable
Upheaval. Arrival. Sooner than anticipated.
Bright sunny day. There’s a time, in each
Eyes gazed, glazed. Distant stare.
Beautiful Rosie. Ten years to the day.